Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thank You


The election has come and the election has gone.  To all I thank you for taking the time out to vote, inform your self and check out my little blog.  Also I would like to give congrats to Nancy for winning her second term and for Greg for a good showing out his first time.  Londoners are going to have a different council for the next four years and its nice to see that we have a new mayor and hopefully we will be moving in the right direction.

As to what I shall do now that this is over, perhaps I shall keep an eye out on council and continue my blog.  Perhaps I shall enjoy not having to do a survey every other day.  One thing I will enjoy is that now that the election is over I have more time to spend with my loved ones and perhaps keep my doctor happy by not going out and about all the time.

So here is hoping that at some point we will beat our streak of voter apathy and here is to hoping that we shall keep a closer eye on our elected officials and expect results not just promises.

Thank you again for your support and taking the time out to read.

Bob Howard

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Like Sand Through The Hour Glass


Today marks the day of our 2010 election here in London.  It has be an interesting one at that , with many statements, promises and lack there of.  By the end of the 25th we will know who will form our council and who will be our mayor.  We must make sure that we take full advantage of our ability to vote and ensure that London and Londoners are going to be taken care of properly.  To ensure that we have a city that is open for business, that takes care of its students and seniors alike.  That does not just promise to spend your tax dollars properly but actually does it.  This is not the time for promises or studies or even pilot programs.  This is the time for action and results.  We have been sorely lacking that for many years and if we do not get out there and vote , we will suffer the same for four more.  When London has over 50 thousand people living below the poverty line, where there is one in three children going to school hungry, when our unemployment is at another high, taxes raised and spending going unchecked.  This is the legacy that our current council has left us, these are the results of the ineffectiveness of our horse shoe.  Pilot programs do nothing to fix these issues, metal trees do nothing to fix these issues and protecting a bridge or a boat do nothing to help us.  Enough is enough.  We can ill afford another four years with our current council.  We can no longer suffer the effects of ineffective government.  We must turn to ourselves and our innovation to take London back to the top.  Being average is no longer good enough.  I expect more from our city and I expect more from our local government.  If you feel like I do and want to end this status quo then your choice is clear.

Vote and make a difference.  Vote and stop this status quo.

Vote Bob Howard.

Friday, October 22, 2010

And So The Story Goes….



As we sit here the weekend before the fateful or happy day of October 25th, I am wondering if we can shake off the apathy that plagues us election after election.  I have heard our politicians tell us that London ranks in the top ten in a study, that we are tops in another study.  Yet, these same politicians tell us that London is on average in regards to voter turn out, property taxes, etc, etc.  How can they expect up to believe that we are both tops and average at the same time?  We’re are only tops if it benefits what they are saying and when faced with the negative aspect they state that average is great.

Recently we have had unemployment statistics come out and guess what?  Yep, it was raised again.  Then another study comes out in regards to sewer run off.  You got it we’re in top 3 for that.  Now a recent study was released in regards to entrepreneurship for business.  Sadly yet again we’re ranked way down the list.  Not the top ten or even the top 50 out of 100.  But 77th out of 100.  CFIB Study.

Our current crop of council has shown a complete lack of understanding in regards to the serious issues Londoners are facing daily.  They have proven how out of touch they are in regards to the direction London has been heading.  We need strong leadership and a council that is devoted to bringing London back to the top of lists that matter.  Lower unemployment, lower taxes, lower crime and being open for business for all of Canada and the world for that matter.

We only have one shot at changing directions once every four years and our shot is coming up on Monday.  Take the time this weekend and think if the direction London is heading is the direction you want to go.  Show what happens to those that fail in performing the deeds of the city.  On October 25th help raise the unemployment up by removing the ineffective councillors.  Lets make sure that those that do get the job , do the job they are expected to perform.

On October 25th vote Bob Howard.  We will get back to work as a city and head into the right direction as a city.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh My


As we come down to the home stretch of this 2010 election the only thing I can hope is that Londoners can overcome their voter apathy and turn out in droves to end this status quo.  Too long have we sat back and allowed what is essentially ineffective government control the course London has been on.  We have allowed this to happen by sitting back and letting the minority vote in the majority.  We have allowed the metal trees, the property tax increases, the wasteful spending and so forth.  Even though our elected officials were the ones that enacted these plans and spending, we are as much at fault by not taking advantage of one of our strongest rights.  The ability to vote.  This is the time that we as a people can shape our home city.  We can decide what we want our city to become.  But we need to vote in order to make the change.

From the students who live here for three quarters of the year, to the single family dwellers, to the retired seniors in our city.  Every one has a right and a need to vote.  Just because you only go to school here does not mean that our elected officials do not impact your lifestyle.  They decide housing issues, transit, taxes that effect your rent, and of course they ever important employment sector when you graduate or even for the part time job that is needed to make ends meet.  For the seniors who the city determines your transit abilities , your rent, your ability to afford your home with year after year of property tax increases, to the infrastructure effecting our sewer and water capabilities to the roads we drive on.  For the family units where the city controls the development of new neighbourhoods, shopping centers, property taxes in order to guide your decision in where you live to our essential services police, fire, ambulance and garbage pick up.

We all have a hand to play in this and we are all effected as a city.  The statement that my vote doesn’t matter because nothing ever changes is a played out excuse.  By not taking an interest in that which effects your life the most is a frightful way of thinking.  Our council has shown us their ineffectiveness in regards to making our lives better.  We need to show them that we have had enough.  I want nothing more than to see London reach the heights it once was at again.  Bring property taxes down, stop the wasteful spending, stop the needless bylaws creating a nanny state, focus on the citizens from young to old and treat Londoners for what we are, a city of diverse people who have great capabilities and great dreams.

Unlike Dorothy, we will not wake up and realize that this has all been a bad dream.  On October 25th we need to make our own statement and vote.

Vote Bob Howard on October 25th and stop our politicians living in the land of OZ.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Day the Earth Stood Still




As we come down the last 12 days of the election promises, speeches, campaigning we are faced with either a tough choice or an easy one.

On October 25th we have to decide either that the status quo as of late has been good for London or it needs to change.  Are you content with tax increases every year, wasteful spending, bloated bureaucracy, a council that follows the beat of the minority drum and by law after by law.  If you have answered yes to the above questions then your choice is already made and hence it’s an easy one.  On the other hand if you have said enough is enough then you are left with multiple choices.  An incumbent has always had the upper hand in regards to the elections due to the fact they have name recognition already.  The other candidates always have an uphill battle.  Now in some wards there may be two other choices or many more as we have seen with this years turn out of candidates.  From there we need to extrapolate who would be the better candidate to help guide London to where your personally think we should be heading.  Now over the last couple of weeks I have posted my thoughts and ideas on this here blog.  I hope you have read them and I hope that I have portrayed my thoughts properly to you. 

This election is so important in so many ways.  With Board of Control gone and the city trying to get out of an economic recession we need to focus on proper spending, taxes that make sense, job creation and retaining our youth in our city.  We need to make sure the London not only gets stronger in the coming years but becomes a leader to other cities.  We need to stop the bickering in council chambers, we need leadership and obtainable goals.  We need to stop focusing on what is the popular issue of the day and focus on the issues of London as a whole.  We need to create a city of neighbourhoods, business and schools.  We need to show the students that we support them now and in the future.  We need to show our seniors that they can enjoy their twilight years without fear of not affording their homes.  We need to show our families that you can raise your kids here in safe parks and educated them in the best schools around.  We need to show our investors that London is a place not only for business but for innovation.  In order to obtain these realistic goals we need to stop council on their current course of spend spend spend without getting value for our dollar.

On October 25th send a strong message to council.  Say enough is enough.

Vote Bob Howard and let’s get to work.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rogers 13 Debate



For all those that are interested and are rogers@home subscribers.  The following link will take you to the debate held at the Convention Centre.

Ward 6 Candidates

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Trick or Treat?



Tis the month of October and soon two scary days will be upon us.  Both require costumes, both require going to peoples houses and asking favours, both expect to get treats.  But, only one ends that night and the other lasts for four years.

I believe strongly that a change is needed in city hall, and needed quickly.  Too long have we let the status quo go on and with dire consequences at that.  We need to get the focus back on London, back on the problems we are facing today and also plan for the future so as not to be in the position we are in now.  We need to bring in viable employment opportunities, we need to focus on keeping our youth in this city, we need to focus on not wasting tax payers dollars year after year.  We need a council that is like minded in the pursuit of bring London back to being the example other cities follow.  We need to listen to the complaints of our citizens, the lack of jobs, the high taxes and lack of leadership.  This is what needs to change. 

For too long we have allowed our current crop of council play the trick or treat game on us.  It’s time to say enough is enough.  Sometimes its easier to rebuild then it is to restore.  So lets send that message, you had your shot, you had your chance.  Sorry but we are not impressed with the results.

On October 25th its time Londoners got the treat instead of getting the trick.

Vote Bob Howard and lets get back to work.